Build alliances with other survivors and take down the threats brought by the Highwaymen, a group who wishes to monopolize the world’s remaining resources. Unlocked Hoyt's island from game start.Set in a post-apocalyptic world that is flourishing with life instead of destruction, Far Cry New Dawn is an action and adventure game where you have to fight for survival.New games now start you in Amanaki Village, with you waking up and talking to Dennis.Increased spawn rates for all NPCs, animals and encounter events.Interact with objects by pressing the interaction button instead of holding it.The second and fourth health slot upgrades now give two additional health slots each instead of just one.(They shouldn't give the same XP as liberating outposts.) Added XP for finding a memory card, since you get XP for finding other collectibles.Added a small amount of XP for skinning animals and picking plants.Increased how steep of a slope you can climb to be more realistic.Increased height before recieving fall damage to be more realistic.Removed auto-reload for all guns and removed reload reminder.Removed indicators that an enemy has spotted you.Disabled tagging and removed ability to see enemies and animals through walls.Removed minimap, replaced it with a compass.Enemies do -50% damage on easy, -25% damage on normal, and match player damage on hard or very hard.While sprinting, double tap the melee button to continue sprinting while performing a melee attack.Press and release jump button to jump as normal, or press and hold the jump button to jump and deploy the wingsuit. Unlocked wingsuit abilities after you complete the world map part of the tutorial.(Some skills still have secondary requirements to unlock.) Removed mission requirements for all skills.I think you'll need to register to (but it's free and painless)

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Massive, Ubisoft Shanghai.Platform(s): PC, XBOX 360, PS3, XBOX ONE, PS4.Platform(s): PC (EGS, UPLAY, STADIA), XBOX ONE, XBOX X, PS4, PS5.Here is an example: >!Put your spoiler text here!< Have a Far Cry 6 question or want more information? Head to our frequently asked questions page for some quick info.īe sure to tag your spoilers wrapped around arrows and exclamation points. After you have familiarized yourself with our rules feel free to post videos, pictures or discuss anything Far Cry related. Before you start browsing be sure to read and follow the rules of this subreddit.